80% Adult

Despite my alleged “togetherness”, when it comes to my adult life, I still have areas that most people down pat, but still elude me for some reason. The list is odd, and I know everyone has their things that they just don’t pick up as easily as others…

For some it’s curbing their spending habits while on a budget, others its maintaining a healthy lifestyle- and I understand. Depending on your personality, and your upbringing; some of these adult skills come after years of trial and error, or if you are complacent about that kind of stuff- never.

My friends commend me on my budgeting, home cooking, and my ability to maintain a semblance of a workout regime (updates on that to follow in other posts). However, they blink in surprise when they find out my list of failed tasks that most ‘adults’ typically have down pat.

So here is my ‘to be improved upon’:

1. Sheets The Bed

I am terrible… at changing my sheets.
I know. I manage to get this feat done maybe once a month, and each time I do it, I lounge in the dryer sheet fluffed goodness- then vow to change them the prescribed once every 2 weeks. Only to sometimes let time go even longer than a month.

For every judgment I intuitively feel from you all on that one; will make me bite into my homemade cookies with bitterness.

2. Sheets Everywhere

Everyone who receives important documents and files them away in the right spot… I admire you. I am not you, and I wish I could be.
Evan and I have what I affectionately call: The Crap Basket.
Stuff that we need to keep around, but haven’t gotten around to filing yet, and can’t be bothered. We strategically hide this on top of our fridge, and pretend we don’t know it’s there.

3. Floss Of Time

I do manage to brush my teeth twice a day (Mainly because my morning breath is what some might call; Death’s Fart). However flossing; I can’t be bothered, because it takes just that little bit of extra effort. I won’t even demean myself in admitting how rarely it does occur.

4. Dump A Load

I am terrible… at doing laundry. By that I mean, I throw in a load, and forget about it- sometimes for days. I ideally complete one load a week, when I should be doing closer to 3, or sometimes 4. This also is part of the reason I’m terrible for remembering to change the bedding. I know what has to be done, but because our machines are all the way in the basement of our 2 story house, I can’t be bothered as often as I should.

(Full disclosure: I doubt I would be on-top of it even if it were on one of the upper floors)

5. Grease the Wheels

My poor… trustworthy, magnificent beast of a car puts up with my nonsense- knowing I cannot afford to give it the life it deserves. The check engine light has been on for more than a year (mechanic checked and said it just needed a tune up), and I am horrible at getting oil changes, changing from winter tires to regular, getting the undercarriage oiled… etc. I rely on my car to get me 40 minutes each way to work and home… and I still can’t do it.

However, in my defence… I know a lot of you are thinking: “That isn’t a skill to learn- it’s stupidity.”, In my defenceI’m poor as hell.

I’m slowly needling my way out of debt, but I have to spread out a lot of these expenses. However I’m putting it on here because, even with a better financial situation; I’m not sure that I would be all that on the ball with it then either. Guess we will have to wait to find out on that one.

Anyway, just thought I’d share some of my ‘work in progress’ portions of being an adult. Despite maintaining two jobs, a home, a relationship, family demands, bills, etc etc. I still have things I know I need to get better with.


Happy Blogging everyone!


Morning blogging setup.

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